Friday, 17 February 2012

Annual Report

Annual Report
April 2010 - March 2011

THENDRAL has reached its summit in its major five programmes with its reachability to as many beneficiaries as possible.


(Socio – Eco – Economic Empowerment)

  • Thendral promotes social, ecological, environmental and economic empowerment of women under WEP. In walajah & Sholingur blocks and in and around Ranipet, the SHGs are formed and trained to sustain and empower themselves. In this process in the year 2010 - 11 our organization has evolved to operate service in the following areas.
  •  Capacity building of the women belonging to the women’s self help groups through periodical training programmes to facilitate them to communicate with the Government authorities to mobilize their resources to promote their existing infrastructure of the income generating assets.

  • Thendral motivates the target group to undertake a joint venture development programmes to create assets individually as well as among the groups to generate income to sustain the permanent income than depending on others. 
  • We had awareness programme for the villagers of Ananthalai in Walajah block. This is organized in view of keeping people close knit with the Right to Information Act (RTI). All dalit women actively participated from this rural awareness programme and benefited out of this programme. 
  • THENDRAL had arranged an expert in RTI field to enlighten dalit women. The resource person explained with instances what happens to the petition of the poor dalit woman and how she could pull the government officials to ensure her petition reaches the right desk and get her need done.
  • Thendral with the collaboration of Dalit foundation has done service among the clans of Dalit community where (Arunthathiyar & Paraiyas) are living mostly. We form leaders through Leadership training Programme. We promote volunteers through volunteers training programme.
  • Women are empowered to solve their own problems and be a guide to each other through women capacity building programme.Skill up gradation through vocational training to help the unemployed to seek job opportunities like tailoring, leather mesh works in the Government Department or in the private sectors as well as to promote self employment to reduce the unemployment problem among the young women.

  • Training of Trainers programmes to enhance the capacity of the women to train the other members belonging to their self help groups.
  • Thendral in the field experience among the dalit women folk feels the need to collaborate with the national level organizations for dalit women empowerment. Hence, We the Dalit Women Organization Leaders of Tamil Nadu state joined to collaborate with National Federation of Dalit Women (NFDW).
  •  The felt need of Dalit women in the political arena was pushed forward from the failure lessons faced by the dalit political parties in Tamilnadu legislative assembly election 2011. We deem and dream that the forum can propose and pomote 50% Dalit women candidates to contest in the forth coming Panchayat election.
  •  The Dalit women labourers issue in Tea estate at Vaalparai was also part of the discussion.
  • Thendral motivated the members of the women self help groups to create credit linkages with the Nationalized and Scheduled Banks to seek credit assistance to establish assets to create income generation as well as to train them to repay the loan in full without any arrears. Thendral celebrated International Year of the Women and International Day for Poverty Eradication to highlight the issues related to the dalit women folk.

 THENDRAL has resolved to transform the living condition of the target group identified as child workers, rag pickers, street children, dependent of bonded laborers and dependents of victims of various communicable illnesses, disasters and discrimination.

  • Thendral Creates awareness among the members of the general public to wipe out the causes for child labour and rehabilitate them through education, vocational training, income generation, medical health assistance as well as through social life animation programme.
  •  The Organisation creates various I.E.C. programmes among the parents and guardians of the child workers, rag pickers and dependents of bonded labourers to make them eligible to understand the value and importance of the early stage of education.
  •  Thendral has conducted free legal aid camps among the parents and guardians of the target groups to communicate with the Government officials to seek relief and rehabilitation to reconstruct the life of their dependents.
  • Thendral celebrated national Children’s Day, World Literacy Day and International year for Prevention of child abuse to highlight the issues which are related to children.


Thendral organizes awareness programmes in the schools, colleges and villages for women & children. The input session is on social analysis, period of adolescence & youth intricacies and their role for the over all development. Thendral emphasizes on these issues for the people who are in the following 3 major phases of life:
- Child marriage
- Child sexual abuse
- Child prostitution
- Differential access to care, nutrition, health care and education.
- Molestation / eve teasing
- Rape
- Incest
- Kidnapping and abduction
- Sexual harassment in the work place
- Trafficking
- Forced prostitution
- Violence associated with pre-marital pregnancy, abortion.
- Differential access to care, nutrition, health care and education.
Youth and Adulthood
- Domestic violence
- Marital rape
- Dowry related abuse and murder
- Forced pregnancy
- Homicide
- Sexual harassment in the work place
- Molestation, sexual abuse, rape
- Differentials access to care, nutrition, health care and education.
- Desertion

The members of the self help groups, women belonging to the unorganized sectors and the young volunteers are trained under the training of trainers programmes to spread the news on the above subject to eradicate the causes which are creating violence against the women. Action is being taken to celebrate the International day for the Elimination of the Violence against Women and May Day to highlight the problems which are faced by the women in their routine life.


  • Thendral initiated free TNPSC coaching center to empower rural youth to make them have an easy access to the government group exams.
  •  The organization has arranged short term vocational training programmes to facilitate the target group to learn any skill trade to mobilize the training to establish self employment to reduce the unemployment problem.

  • Thendral has created access and venues to the qualified and experienced persons in the vocational trade to obtain financial support as grant and credits from the Nationalized and
    Scheduled Banks to promote the existing infrastructure of the income generating asset to find a source of income for their survival.
  •  Thendral celebrated Workers day to highlight the issues of the workers and especially the women workers employed in various industries as skilled and unskilled workers.

 In view of making the human’s life eco friendly, Thendral facilitated various I.E.C. programmes on health education to promote the healthy environment for the children, adolescents, youth and adult.

  • Thendral organized and conducted seminar and workshop to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS/STD.
  • Thendral prepares the communities to Celebrate World Health Day, World Differently abled Day and World AIDS Day meaningfully.

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